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Glider No end of Track was received FFVV1217
was at Embergeralm - Greifenburg - AT [~3.7 km]
on 12-04-2024 17:06:54 UTC+0 
Alt:2484 m, Speed:118 km/h, Duration:07:14:25
Distance from takeoff 165.2 km, [Max] 219.5 km

Takeoff: Embergeralm - G... - AT ~3.6km
at 12-04-2024 09:52:29 UTC+2
Distance from takeoff 219.5 km
[Max] 219.5 km [Max] 219.5 km
Glider No end of Track was received ivko
was at Schießling - AT [~2.5 km]
on 12-04-2024 16:06:19 UTC+0 
Alt:634 m, Speed:24 km/h, Duration:00:32:26
Distance from takeoff 2.3 km, [Max] 2.5 km

Takeoff: Schießling - AT ~1.4km
at 12-04-2024 15:33:53 UTC+2
Distance from takeoff 2.5 km
[Max] 2.5 km [Max] 2.5 km
Paraglider Track was ended normally Somi
was at Stoderzinken - AT [~3.0 km]
on 12-04-2024 16:06:02 UTC+0 
Alt:794 m, Speed:0 km/h, Duration:05:17:07
Distance from takeoff 2.8 km, [Max] 46.5 km

Takeoff: Stoderzinken - AT ~3.0km
at 12-04-2024 10:48:55 UTC+2
Distance from takeoff 46.5 km
[Max] 46.5 km [Max] 46.5 km
Paraglider No end of Track was received AlineD
was at Embergeralm, Greifenburg - AT [~0.3 km]
on 12-04-2024 16:05:39 UTC+0 
Alt:596 m, Speed:0 km/h, Duration:05:06:27
Distance from takeoff 4.1 km, [Max] 22.5 km

Takeoff: Embergeralm, Gr... - AT ~0.4km
at 12-04-2024 10:59:12 UTC+2
Distance from takeoff 22.5 km
[Max] 22.5 km [Max] 22.5 km
Paraglider Track was ended normally peetair89
was at Seeboden 01 - AT [~3.2 km]
on 12-04-2024 16:04:16 UTC+0 
Alt:558 m, Speed:0 km/h, Duration:00:20:53
Distance from takeoff 3.6 km, [Max] 3.7 km

Takeoff: Seeboden 01 - AT ~0.6km
at 12-04-2024 15:43:23 UTC+2
Distance from takeoff 3.7 km
[Max] 3.7 km [Max] 3.7 km
Paraglider Track was ended normally AlineD
was at Embergeralm, Greifenburg - AT [~0.2 km]
on 12-04-2024 15:56:24 UTC+0 
Alt:593 m, Speed:0 km/h, Duration:04:57:28
Distance from takeoff 4.1 km, [Max] 22.5 km

Takeoff: Embergeralm, Gr... - AT ~0.4km
at 12-04-2024 10:58:56 UTC+2
Distance from takeoff 22.5 km
[Max] 22.5 km [Max] 22.5 km
Paraglider Track was ended normally Pet69
was at Goding - AT [~0.9 km]
on 12-04-2024 15:53:21 UTC+0 
Alt:578 m, Speed:0 km/h, Duration:00:06:54
Distance from takeoff 1.2 km, [Max] 1.4 km

Takeoff: Goding - AT ~0.4km
at 12-04-2024 15:46:27 UTC+2
Distance from takeoff 1.4 km
[Max] 1.4 km [Max] 1.4 km
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