SE Wales 

02 - 03 Jul 2022

Hike and Fly
GRFYN 2022 - Race Briefing
2022-07-01 19:48
The briefing for the inaugural GRYFN Hike and Fly Race, which will take place on Saturday 2 - Sunday 3 July 2022, can be found at the following link..Move to fallback dates confirmed
2022-06-23 11:56
The GRYFN Hike and Fly Race 2022 director, Alistair Andrews of Crickhowell Paragliding has confirmed that the race will move to the fallback dates of Saturday 2 to Sunday 3 July 2022. More information is available on the Telegram Group for pilots who are already registered for the event..Event info

GRYFN Hike and Fly 2022
The GRYFN Hike and Fly is proud to be sponsored by Air Design Paragliders and Stodeus Flight Instruments.
- The first GRYFN Hike and Fly is to be held on the weekend of 25 – 26 June 2022.
- There will be a fall back weekend, 2 – 3 July, in case of untaskable weather conditions
- The race format is similar to that of the well known “Dragon”, but with gliders restricted to ENC “Sports Class” and below, making the race the first of its kind
- There will be an overnight camp option, with time bonus for participation, and no official supporters will be allowed.
- Sign up using the PayPal Event options above.
- There will be prizes and an end of event party with food and drinks included in your race entry.
- The early eagle entry fee will be £65 if booked before 28 Feb 2022
- After this date, the entry fee will rise to £75
- Maximum of 40 pilots
- Extra party tickets are available for supporters and friends for £10
- The event will be based out of the Crickhowell area and the nominal race distance will be approximately 50 to 100km
- Pilots should be BHPA Pilot rated
- Email us with your Paragliding-CV if you’d like a waiver or you have an overseas equivalent
- Entrants must have BHPA membership or suitable alternative insurance cover
- Personal accident insurance is recommended
- The Livetrack 24 Registration page will be live soon and race details will be sent to all entrants in due course.
- Please familiarise yourself with the Race Rules here!
- All entrants and race fans are asked to join this telegram group: Dragon Hike and Fly Chat
- And this one Dragon Live Tracking for Live Tracking
Any questions about the event can be forwarded to alistair@crickhowellparagliding.com
If any competitors would like to purchase a new #hikeandfly glider, harness, reserve, or any other equipment, please get in touch and we’ll be very happy to offer special prices to race entrants.
Follow the event on Facebook: GRYFN Hike and Fly Facebook Page.
Local Rules
GRYFN Hike and Fly 2022 - Rules
All pilots are required to familiarise themselves with the Race Rules.