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25 - 28 Jun 2020
Paraglider Paraglider
Cross Country




2020-06-29 18:06
Ergebnisliste Österreichische Staatsmeisterschaft 2020 .

Results Task 1

2020-06-26 07:31
Unfortunately we have some problems with creating results. We have to publish results in "old style" with no filter.
You can find the preliminary results here.
10:50 updated with correct track for Stefan Brandlehner - Goal
11:40 update: leading weight changed to 1.0, funny - no changes in results at all, new results

Kaiserwinkl Austrian Open 2020 finden statt!

2020-06-22 13:05
Gute Neuigkeiten. Die Wettervorhersage ist vielversprechend, somit können wir schon heute die Durchführung der Kaiserwinkl Austrian Open 2020 bestätigen. 

Alle Piloten mit Status "Paid" laut aktualisierter Teilnehmerliste sind bestätigt. 
Für alle Piloten, die schon am Mittwoch anreisen, besteht die Möglichkeit sich ab 19:00 Uhr im Wettkampfbüro anzumelden, ansonsten am Donnerstag von 7:30 - 9:00 Uhr.

Camping am Liftparkplatz ist nicht gestattet. Stellplätze am Eurocamp Kössen (5 Gehminuten vom Wettkampfgelände) sind noch verfügbar und unter zu reservieren. Bitte bei der Reservierung das Kennwort "PDC" angeben, um den vergünstigten Tarif zu bekommen. 
Unter: findet ihr alle Infos zu Unterkünften.

Checkliste für Teilnehmer:
- MNS Maske mitbringen
- Für alle mit Flymaster Livetracking => freigeben für Livetrack24 (Anleitung unter Downloads herunterladen)
- Wendepunkte auf euer Gerät laden

Wir freuen uns euch am Donnerstag in Kössen Willkommen zu heißen und hoffen auf einen spannenden Wettkampf. 

Euer Team vom PDC Kaiserwinkl

Good news. The forecast for the upcoming week looks very promising, so we can announce that the Kaiserwinkl Austrian Open 2020 take place. 

All pilots with the status "paid" in the updated pilot list are confirmed.
For all the pilots arriving in Kössen on Wednesday, there is the possibility of registration from 19:00 till 22:00 in the competition office right at the landing field, otherwise on Thursday morning from 7:30 - 9:00.

Camping on the parking area of the lifts is prohibited. At Eurocamp Kössen there are places still available, so please reserve on: mentioning "PDC" on your reservation.
For general infos about accommodation please visit:

Checklist for competitors:
- Bring a face mask
- Upload the waypoints on your device
- For all users of Flymaster devices: set free for livetrack24 (instuctions in downloads)

We are looking forward to welcome you in Kössen and hope for a great competition,
your PDC Kaiserwinkl.

Event info

Kaiserwinkl Austrian Open 2020
Austrian National Championships


25.06. – 28.06.2020

with international competitors (FAI Cat. 2), competition of the Austrian paragliding league, Austrian national championships. 



Host:               Para Delta Club Kaiserwinkl

                        Thurnbichl 43, 6345 Kössen, Österreich



Meet director:                         Christoph Kurz

Vice Meet director:                 Leander Dagn

Technical  delegate:               Herbert Tamegger

Head of the Jury:                    Peter Fahringer
Evaluator:                                Robert Straif



Paragliding competition in the name of the ÖAeC with int. competitors.  FAI-CIVL-

CAT II, competition of the austrian paragliding league, Austrian national and tyrolean Championships. The competition is operated according to  the code sportives and the Austrian Wettkampfordung 2020.





Mandatory registration online:

End of registration: 14.6.2020

If on the 14th of june 2020 the maximum number of competitors is reached, the selection will be done according to the WPRS – ranking.

60 spots are reserved for Austrian league pilots.


If the max. competitors are not reached by the 14.06.2020, spots are opening up again in order of completed registrations, where the last possible registration will be at the 24.6.2020


Max. competitors: 100

To confirm the registration the payment of the full entry fee is required.


Entry Fee:



In case of cancellation we reserve the right to keep 10€, the rest will be transfered back.

Including maps, fee to the ONF, lift transfer, flight analysis, pick up service.



Banktransfer details:

PDC Kaiserwinkl

IBAN: AT31 3626 4008 0003 4496




Kössen, Hochkössen Unterberg


Starting Areas:

Start Bärenhütte (North or West)

Start Gipfelhaus



Competition office and landing area: 

Landing area Unterbacherfeld, directly at the bottom station of the Bergbahnen

Kössen. The competition office is at the landing area.




Authorization to the Kaiserwinkl Open:

• Completly filled and signed registration form at the 1st competition day

• A valid paragliding licence

• A valid FAI-Sportlizence

• A certified and injured paraglider

• Helmed, rescuechute und backprotection.


Competition regularity:

The WO of the ÖAeC and the Code Sportiv (FAI) are valid for this competition. The

competitors accept the regularities with the sign on the registration form.

Link at


Classes at the Kaiserwinkl Open 2020: 

All classes according to the Austrian paragliding league.


Overall  (EN A – CCC) with trophys and prize money for the first places.


Serienclass (EN A – EN D) with trophys and prize money for the first places.


Sportclass (EN A – EN C) with trophys for the first places.


Womensclass (if enough competitors, EN A – CCC)  with trophys for the first places


Austrian National Champion – Men (medals for the first places)


Austrian National Champion – Women (medals for the first places)




The paticipation at the competition, transfer and side programm are

at own risk. The pilot is responsible to act according to law and regularities. The

Organisation is not responsible in any way, there is no liability for accidents, injuries or damages.

There is no legal claim to compensation for damages or injuries any kind. The

competitors must act according to the instructions of the organisation. 





Written protest to the organisation up to 30 min. after the notice of the  inofficial

results without a fee.



Written protest to the Jury up to 30 min. after the notice of the officiall results with a

fee of 50 €

Protest to ONF: fee (€ 100,--).



According to the daily weather conditions and competition regularities.



With GPS, Flymaster-Tracker or Flymaster Live according  to the competition regularities 2020.



According to the Austrian competition regularities 2020.






Tourismusverband Kaiserwinkl

Postweg 6

6345 Kössen

Tirol – Austria

Tel. +43 501 100

Fax: +43 501 100-19



Close to the lifts and landig area:


More information and news:


News about the procedure:

2 days ahead of the competition on or












Do. 14.5.2020 (A.D.: 25.6.2020)

7:00 – 9:00 Registration at the Sigis Sportklause

10:30 Briefing at the starting area

1. Task

Latests  notice of the pilots being back 18:00



Fr. 15.5.2020 (A.D.: 26.6.2020)

10:30 Briefing at the starting area

2. Task

Latests  notice of the pilots being back 18:00



Sa. 16.5.2020 (A.D.: 27.6.2020)

10:30 Briefing at the starting area

2. Task

Latests  notice of the pilots being back 18:00



So. 17.5.2020 (A.D.: 28.6.2020)

10:30 Briefing at the starting area

2. Task

Latests  notice of the pilots being back 17:00

17:30 ceremony and ending party






We are looking forward to many competitors and

great flights!!!

Yours, Para Delta Club Kaiserwinkl

Info about Flying here