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Petzen, Bleiburg
08 - 09 Aug 2020
Paraglider Paraglider
Cross Country

Total Competition Results

Report created:

Petzen Open 2020 - CAT2 - Kärntner Landesmeisterschaft

2020-08-08 to 2020-08-09

Petzen Open 2020

Total results (All pilots)

Provisional 16:00

Task Date Distance
T1 Task 1 2020-08-08 12:00    80,6 km Race to Goal with 1 startgate(s)
T2 Task 2 2020-08-09 12:00    49,6 km Race to Goal with 1 startgate(s)

# Id C Name G Glider Sponsor T 1 T 2 Total
1 413 Stefan Brandlehner M Flow Paragliders XCRacer - ML [EN D] 728.1 452.2 1180
2 9176 Stephan Gruber M Ozone Enzo3 - S [CCC] Skywalk, Naviter, Cloudbase Die Fluschule, Salewa, Gloryfy 743.9 290.1 1034
3 12672 Dušan Orož M Davinci Opera Chinks, x-dreamfly 550.6 426.3 977
4 311 Alexander Schalber M Ozone Enzo3 - S [CCC] Flugschule Salzburg 704.3 247 951
5 54541 Peter Holzer M Ozone Enzo3 - S [CCC] 750.4 53 803
6 4387 Christoph Eder M Ozone Enzo3 - L [CCC] Fa Guido Eder Sanitär und Wärmetechnik 552.5 248.7 801
7 570 Marko Novak M Ozone Enzo3 - L [CCC] High Adventure Switzerland, NOWA d.o.o. 670.2 53 723
8 13448 Rudolf Niedermühlbichler M Ozone Zeno - L [EN D] Flywear 477.5 212.6 690
9 24768 Peter Wais M Gin Leopard - L [EN D] 315.8 305.3 621
10 600 Armin Eder M Ozone Enzo3 - S [CCC] paraclinic 547.4 53 600
11 35675 Georg Grieshofer M Ozone Enzo3 - L [CCC] Flywear, Andreas Pölzer Realitäten 40.1 443.9 484
12 9160 Antun Lovrec M Ozone Enzo - L [EN D] 206.5 243.1 450
13 1360 Peter Keller M Ozone Enzo3 - L [CCC] Gleitschirmclub Hochries Samerberg 88.7 293.8 383
14 20073 David Lankmayer M Flow Paragliders XCRacer - M [EN D] Skywalk, Flywear 106.1 251.6 358
15 23394 Mario Strahlhofer M Ozone Zeno - L [EN D] flywear 264.4 53 317
16 38037 Andreas Wurzer M Ozone ZeoliteGT - MS [EN D] 191.9 111.4 303
17 43273 Christian Hochegger M Niviuk Icepeak8 - 22 [CCC] Hochegger Technik 82.2 218 300
18 985 Thomas Brandlehner M Ozone enzo3 - M [CCC] 244.8 53 298
19 63011 Rok Lorger M Advance Sigma10 - 27 [EN C] DJP Lintvar 202.9 53 256
20 43894 Ady Perner M Ozone enzo3 - M [CCC] 40.1 162.4 203
21 36030 Mitja Jug M Ozone Delta4 - ML [EN C] - 40.1 158.6 199
22 59934 Sara Lovrec F Triple Seven Queen2 - MS [EN C] ČALE 40.1 156.7 197
23 1383 Andreas Pölzer M Ozone enzo3 - M [CCC] Andreas Pölzer Realitäten GmbH, Flugschule Steiermark 40.1 131.1 171
24 17774 Johannes Schantl M Ozone Zeno - L [EN D] 107.2 53 160
25 53573 Felix altenburger M Ozone Zeno - ML [EN D] 103 53 156
26 13461 Karl Mauracher M Ozone Zeno - ML [EN D] 40.1 111.4 152
27 8444 Reinhold Janesch M Gin Glider Explorer 40.1 101.2 141
28 1553 Josef Kather M UTurn Vision - M [EN B] flugschule Sonnenbühl 60.1 53 113
29 58972 Reinhold Zitzenbacher M BGD Cure2 - M [EN C] Team BEZI 40.1 57.4 98
30 13868 Manfred Marte M Skywalk Spice - XS [EN C] Bürgerhof 40.1 53.6 94
30 49621 Andreas Steiner M Flow Paragliders XCRacer - L [EN D] Flywear 40.1 53.6 94
32 71427 Jonas Hribernik M Swing AgeraRS - XS [EN C] 40.1 53 93
32 71239 Ines Ivanuša F PHI Tenor - M [EN B] ZK Aerotika 40.1 53 93
32 666 Gottfried Kaschnig M Gin Leopard - M [EN D] 40.1 53 93
32 624 Karl Seiringer M Ozone Zeno - ML [EN D] 40.1 53 93
32 18161 Josef Walter Hausknecht M Ozone Zeno - ML [EN D] Drachen- und Gleitschirmfliegerclub Friedrichshafen e.V. 40.1 53 93
32 47931 Martin Alkin M Sup Air Wild 23 40.1 53 93
32 46902 Thomas Lindner M Niviuk Ikuma - 25 [LTF 1-2] 40.1 53 93
32 3113 Herbert Wiesenhofer M Ozone enzo3 - M [CCC] sC | 40.1 53 93
32 45420 Harald Weiss M Ozone LM7 - L [EN D] 40.1 53 93
32 49347 Dominik Asteiner M Skywalk Cayenne 6 S [EN C] Skywalk 40.1 53 93
32 5421 Günter Klaus M Ozone Zeno - ML [EN D] 40.1 53 93
32 47295 Gabriel Gangl M Ozone Zeno - ML [EN D] Andreas Pölzer-Realitäten, 40.1 53 93
32 54200 Andreas Grübler M AirDesign Rise 4 L 40.1 53 93
32 51477 Horst Orasch M Ozone Alpina2 - L [EN C] 40.1 53 93
32 53259 Florian Schiller M Ozone Zeno - L [EN D] 40.1 53 93
47 5248 Marion Smole F Gin Boomerang GTO - ML [EN D] 53 53
48 58897 Christoph Wagner M Ozone Zeno - MS [EN D] Air-Shop, Lightbase Projects 40.1 40
48 9173 Thomas Berger M Ozone Enzo3 - S [CCC] 40.1 40
48 31453 Elisabeth Eisl F Nova SECTOR - XS [EN C] 40.1 40