
02 - 05 Sep 2017

Past Tasks
Task Distance: 75 km
Finished ![]() |
Task Distance: 62 km
Finished ![]() |
Task Distance: 54 km
Finished ![]() |
Event info
This is the aerotow contest in the Netherlands, which is part of the Dutch Nationals. Dutch
participants will have prioritity in selection for this aerotowing event
at the beautiful aeroclub Salland. Foreign pilots can also register, but
please contact the organisation after registering for further
Local Rules
The scoring rules will be as follows:
Minimum Distance: 10 km
Nominal Launch: 96%
Nominal Distance: 45 km
Nominal Goal: 20%
Nominal Time: 1.25 hours
Nominal Distance: 45 km
Nominal Goal: 20%
Nominal Time: 1.25 hours
Everybody flying at the aeroclub Salland should familiarize his/herself with the airspace around the airfield and on the task route. Usually the task committee will highlight the areas were to take extra care.
On the premises of the Aero club there is a camping that can be used. The prices can be found here.
Selection and entry fee
The entry fee will be €110,-
Furter details for payment will follow soon.
For safety guests unfamiliar with the field should inquire at the restaurant how the proceed to the hang gliding starting area. Unless you have explicit permission, you are not allowed to drive with your car on to the field.
Voor de veiligheid, gasten die niet eerder het veld hebben bezocht, dienen zich te melden bij het restaurant voor uitleg hoe bij de startende deltavliegers te komen. Uitsluitend na expliciete toestemming is het toegestaan met de auto het veld op te rijden.
Competition schedule
General schedule
6 june:09:00 - 10:00 welcome
10:30 first briefing in the restaurant
11:30 preparing at take-off-area
12:30 take-off
7, 8, 9 june:
10:00 scoring-results yesterday
10:15: briefing
11:30 preparing at take-off-area
12:30 take-off
10 june:
10:00 scoring-results yesterday
10:15: briefing
11:30 preparing at take-off-area
12:30 take-off
18:00 price-giving at the restaurant
Daily schedule
10:00 - Briefing at Restaurant
11:30 - Briefing at take-off-area
12:30 - Take off window opens
15:00 - 18:00 Scoring on the airfield
20:00 - 24:00 tracks sending to scorer
Next morning:
additional scoring at 09.00 at the restaurant
09:30 - Provisional Results
11:30 - Briefing at take-off-area
12:30 - Take off window opens
15:00 - 18:00 Scoring on the airfield
20:00 - 24:00 tracks sending to scorer
Next morning:
additional scoring at 09.00 at the restaurant
09:30 - Provisional Results
Prizes and competition categories
The prizes that can be won are:
Dutch aerotow new talent
Dutch aerotow sportclass
Dutch aerotow class 1Dutch aerotow new talent
Dutch aerotow rigids (class 5)
Organiser: Annet Vieregge
Sportcommissie (wedstrijden):
Leden: Annet Vieregge, Arne Tänzer, Harm Darwinkel, Martin van Helden, Sander van Schaik Contact Info
Social Media
http://www.avda.nl/NK2019/Salland/ (not yet created)