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Events \\ 14th FAI World Paragliding Championships \\ Training Day / 2015-01-09

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9 years ago (2015-01-10 14:05:54) : Testing livetracking
     This is a training day, we gave some trackers to pilots to tesdt out the gsm coverage. The pilot names displayed do not correspond to the actual pilots flying the trackers.
9 years ago (2015-01-09 23:03:12) :
     Top 5 on 18:03:12UTC-5

1. Pilot 10
2. Pilot 11
3. Pilot 7
4. Pilot 8
5. Pilot 12
9 years ago (2015-01-09 22:43:10) :
     Top 5 on 17:43:10UTC-5

1. Pilot 10
2. Pilot 11
3. Pilot 7
4. Pilot 8
5. Pilot 12
9 years ago (2015-01-09 22:23:10) :
     Top 5 on 17:23:10UTC-5

1. Pilot 10
2. Pilot 11
3. Pilot 7
4. Pilot 8
5. Pilot 12
9 years ago (2015-01-09 22:03:08) :
     Top 5 on 17:03:08UTC-5

1. Pilot 10
2. Pilot 11
3. Pilot 7
4. Pilot 8
5. Pilot 12
9 years ago (2015-01-09 21:43:05) :
     Top 5 on 16:43:05UTC-5

1. Pilot 10
2. Pilot 11
3. Pilot 7
4. Pilot 8
5. Pilot 12
9 years ago (2015-01-09 21:23:05) :
     Top 5 on 16:23:05UTC-5

1. Pilot 10
2. Pilot 11
3. Pilot 7
4. Pilot 8
5. Pilot 12
9 years ago (2015-01-09 21:03:03) :
     Top 5 that crossed Start (16:03:03UTC-5)

1. Pilot 10
2. Pilot 11
3. Pilot 7
4. Pilot 8
5. Pilot 12

Mobile view
Event Time: UTC-5

Type of Task: Race to Goal

General Info

QR Code for this task