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Events \\ Malmi Fly-In 2016 \\ Route West / 2016-05-29

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7 years ago (2016-05-29 09:21:50) : Petri returning
     unfortunately the crew turned around before passing the final gate line. This will give more penalty points...
7 years ago (2016-05-29 09:20:26) : 360 and off the track
     maybe not such a good idea the 360...
7 years ago (2016-05-29 09:19:04) : Petri approaching the final gate line
7 years ago (2016-05-29 09:16:32) : Sami landing soon
7 years ago (2016-05-29 09:14:19) : Petri back on track
     hopefully the second part goes better....
7 years ago (2016-05-29 09:10:15) : Petri off-track
     but already correcting...
7 years ago (2016-05-29 09:07:19) : Petri circling
     aiming to pass the start line exactly at the given time
7 years ago (2016-05-29 09:05:48) : Petri passing the Start gate in a few seconds
7 years ago (2016-05-29 09:05:01) : Petri near Start gate for Southern route
7 years ago (2016-05-29 09:04:31) : Sami's device stopped transmitting
7 years ago (2016-05-29 09:02:56) : Petri heading for the Southern route
     while Sami flew the Northern route, Petri will proceed to the start point of the Southern route
7 years ago (2016-05-29 09:00:12) : Petri airborne and already at the CTR boundary
7 years ago (2016-05-29 08:57:36) : Sami returning, Petri departing
     While Sami is just returning, Petri is set up and ready to go (RWY 09)
7 years ago (2016-05-29 08:56:11) : Sami passed the final gate
     Excellent performace!
7 years ago (2016-05-29 08:46:02) : Sami just passed the start line
7 years ago (2016-05-29 08:36:15) : Tracker is working
     The tracking device is functional and shows how Sami is proceeding
7 years ago (2016-05-29 08:32:14) : One aircraft just departed 8:30 UTC
     One aircraft just departed, heading for the southern route possibly the tracking device u/s

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Event Time: UTC+2

Type of Race: Race to Goal

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