Past Tasks
Task Distance: 30 km
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Task Distance: 53 km
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Task Distance: 28 km
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Η Λέσχη Αλεξιπτώτου Πλαγιάς Πάτρας σας καλωσορίζει στην σελίδα του Περιφερειακού Αγώνα Λίγκας- SANTOMERI OPEN 2016 που θα γίνει στο Σαντομέρι Αχαΐας, όρος Σκόλλις, στις 2,3 και 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016 με την υποστήριξη του Δήμου Δυτικής Αχαίας και του Επιμελητηρίου Αχαίας!.
Event info

Greek League 2016
Paragliding Competition in Greece, Peloponnese
FAI cat2 event
Santomeri Village at West Achaia, Mnt Skollis, Creece
2-4 September 2016
Local Rules
Race will go on according to the FAI rules, currently valid and approved Paragliding Competition Rules and their corresponding Modifications.
The competitors need to have:
- Valid pilot license and valid FAI sporting license
- IPPI card level 5
- Medical insurance covering paragliding
- Third party liability insurance covering paragliding
- Unmodified and certified helmet (EN 966), harness (EN 1651), and paraglider (EN 926/2), rescue parachute, VHF radio & mobile phone.
How to get here
- Free camping at Santomeri Village providing WC and shower
- Hotels in the coastal zone of West Achaia Municipality about 20-30 min. drive to Santomeri village
POSEIDON: 2610-671602
" DIMITRA" ROOMS : 2610-670217
TARADELA: 26930-71205,
NIFOREIKA BEACH: 26930-22539
HOTEL PAYLINA: 26930-24040
ACHAIOS HOTEL: 26930-25370
WHITE CASTLE 2693023390
ACHAIA HOTEL 26930-22678
DYMH HOTEL: 26930-25310
LAKOPETRA BEACH : 26930-51713
IONIAN BEACH: 26930-51300
Area Info & Activities
Selection and entry fee
The entry fee will be 50euro
Entry fee includes
- transportation to the take off,
- retrievals from main asphalt roads,
- competition map,
- competition T-shirt,
- official dinner party at Saturday night,
- livetracking,
- daily lunch packet
The entry fee will be paid by bank transfer until Monday 29th August 2016
If the participant don't pay the entry fee in time +10 euro penalty that will be paid during the final registration.
Details of the bank account
Pireus Bank 5504 062886 583
IBAN GR68 0172 5040 0055 0406 2886 583
Name: Ballas Kostantinos
Please send the deposit slip at:
The entry fee will be 40euro for free flyers,
Entry fee includes transportation to the take off place, retrievals from main asphalt roads, competition map and t-shirt official dinner party at Saturday night, daily lunch packet is also included and will be paid during the final registration
Free flyers can take off until 20 min before the take off window opens for the competitors and just after the window's closing.
Competition schedule
- Thursday 1st September 2016- training day.
Registrations 19:00pm-21:00pm - Friday 2nd. September 2016 -1st competition day
9:00am-10:00am. Final registrations
11:00am: General Briefing at the HQ
12:00am Transports to the TOFF
12:30 Task Briefing
13:30 Take off window opens
18:00: End of task
18:00-20:00 Report back- scoring - Saturday 3rd September 2016 - 2nd competition day
11:00am Transports to the TOFF
12:00 Task Briefing
12:30 Take off window opens
18:00: End of task
18:00-20:00 Report back- scoring
21:00: official dinner party - Sunday 4th. September 2016 -3rd competition day
11:00am Transports to the TOFF
12:00 Task Briefing
12:30 Take off window opens
17:00: End of task
18:00-19:00 Report back- scoring
19:30: awards giving
Prizes and competition categories

The event is organized by Patras Paragliding Glub on behalf of the Creek Air Sports Federation (NAC of Greece) and Hellenic Paragliding Committee
- M. Director: Dasoukis Dimitrios
- Safety manager: Andiochos Stathis
- METEO briefing: Evangelos Tsoukas
- Scoring: Kitsantas Konstantinos
- Retrieve manager: Timoleon Lepeniotis
Contact Info
Patras Paragliding Club
e-mail : info@patras-paragliding.gr
Bakounis Christos: +306944980028
Dasoukis Dimitris : +306942789571
Rapanou Giota +306936842708
Hellinic Paragliding Commitie
e-mail : eapelao@gmail.com και eap@e-a-p.gr