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09 - 15 Dec 2018
Paraglider Paraglider
Cross Country



Porterville 2018 Scoring Parameters

2018-12-09 08:56

Scoring formula settings

Formula: GAP2018

WGS84 ellipsoid: 0.5% Tolerance

FTV 20%

























































Event info

The Kaapse Buitepos Club, in collaboration with Cape Nomads, will be hosting the 2018 South African Paragliding Open, a FAI santioned CAT2 event. The seven day event will run from 09 December to 15 December 2018, with no rest days. 08 December will be an official practice day; 07 December will be an unofficial practice day.  Porterville, which is known as Africa's premier summer flying and XC competition site has hosted several South African Nationals, 3 Pre-PWC's (2011, 2012 & 2017) and a PWC (2013).

Local Rules

1.           ENTRY

1.1.        The Championship is open to all Member and Associated Member countries of the FAI who may enter any number of competitors not exceeding 125.


2.1.        REGISTRATION
On arrival, all pilots shall report to the Registration Office to have their documents checked and to receive supplementary regulations and information. The end of the official Registration period is considered to be the official start of the championship. The following are required:

2.1.1.    Pilot qualifications

2.1.2.    Evidence of competitor's nationality

2.1.3.    Pilot's valid FAI Sporting Licence

2.1.4.    Receipt for payment of entry fees by the closing date.

2.1.5.    Satisfactory evidence of glider airworthiness

2.1.6.    Certificate of Insurance as detailed on Entry Form

2.2.        The Registration office will be open from 16:00 to 19:00 on Saturday 08 December 2018 and again on the morning of 09 December 2018 between 07:00 and 08:00. The closure of Registration is considered as the official start of the competition.

2.3.        There will be a Pilot Briefing at the Meet Centre at 20:00 on Saturday 8 December 2018.

2.4.        ALL pilots need to complete a competition indemnity before permission to access the Take Off area can be granted.

3.           REST DAYS
There will be no official rest days.

Pilots are invited to first settle any disputes with fellow pilots before lodging a complaint.
Should the dispute not be settled, a complaint may be made to the Meet Director or his deputy, by any pilot, in writing, to request a correction. It should be made with the minimum delay and it will be dealt with expeditiously.
If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome the pilot may make a protest in writing to the Meet Director or his deputy.
The time limit for protests is 4 hours after the publication of the provisional task results or the results of the complaint, except that after the last contest task it is 1 hour. The protest fee is R500. It will be returned if the protest is upheld.

5.           TAKE-OFF METHODS

5.1.        Foot Launch from hill site. Take-off site is Pampoenfontein and back up site is Dasklip. Details can be found on the Map.

There are only 2 frequencies that can be used during the competition.  The first is the Flying and Safety frequency of 141.600MHz and the second will be the Retrieve and Coordinating frequency of 141.625MHz.  There will be no “team frequencies” and pilots are not allowed to receive information or assistance via any communication.  Radio frequencies are meant to be kept open for communication.  Only frequencies allocated by the organisers may be used.  

7.           RETAKE-OFF
A competitor will be allowed a second re-launch to attempt the task within the stated take-off period. A failed take-off attempt or safety problem arising immediately after take-off which results in a landing will not count as one of the permitted number of take-off attempts.  However, the pilot's take-off time will be taken from the time of the first take-off attempt if a ground start is specified.  A re-launch pilot will not take priority over other pilots who have not yet launched at all.  All pilots wishing to use the retake-off must land in the official “Turkey patch”.  The official transport will leave “turkey” 45 minutes before the close of the window.

8.           TASK PERIOD.
Times of the window open for take-off and times for the closing of the window, turn points and last landing will be displayed on the Taskboard on take-off. Any window extension policy will also be displayed on the Taskboard. The minimum period of time that the launch window will remain open for the day to be considered valid is 1 minute per pilot.  Launch Window Extension Time will be announced at the task briefing and may only be used when the launch has been closed for safety reasons.

9.           WIND SPEED
The maximum wind speed in which a task shall be at the discretion of the Meet director and the advice of the Safety committee.

10.      SCORING

10.1.      FS Software by FAI will be used with GAP latest scoring formula.  Leadout Points and Drop task will be used as well as Arrival Time points.

10.2.      It is the Pilot's responsibility to ensure that their tracklogs are submitted to  Instruments/Trackers/Smartphones should be configured to transmit to

10.3.      In the event that there was an error in the transmission of the tracklog, it is the Pilot’s responsibility to download his/her tracklog in IGC format (with a valid G-Record) from their own flight instrument and upload it to the relevant task on

10.4.      Pilots should ensure that they keep a copy of their tracklog in IGC format with a valid G-Record should the organisers request a copy for validation.  Preferably this should be kept on your flight instrument but a downloaded copy would be acceptable as long as it contains a valid G-Record.

10.5.      Team per country Scoring – Teams per country must be announced before the first task and consist of 5 pilots maximum, with the 2nd and 3rd pilot scoring per day for the team. More than one team per country can be entered.

10.6.      For the scoring purpose, guest pilots are counted as competing pilots.

10.7.      Scoring a stopped task.  When a task is stopped, the pilot’s scores will be determined from their GPS track log position 5 minutes before the time that the task was stopped.  The Altitude of the pilot at this time will also be used in the calculations of the final points.

10.8.      The map datum used will be WGS84 and the format for coordinates will be 
ddd mm.mmm'

10.9.      Scoring will be done according to the FS Software scoring programme, the version  using the GAP 2015 scoring formula. GAP parameters will be discussed and decided at the Pilot Briefing.  The following parameters are a guideline and must be voited in at the first briefing before task 1.

  • Proposed Nominal distance  =  50 kilometers
  • Nominal time = 2 hour
  • Number of pilots expected and goal = 20% of pilots that took off
  • Goal score is calculated by time difference

All pilots must read and understand Chapter 16, Thermalling Rules and Procedures of the FAI Sporting Code Section 7B


12.1.                Only certified gliders are allowed up to EN 926 or LTF 91/09. It is not permitted to modify the glider in any way, except for the length of the brake main-line. Open class gliders are permitted, but cannot win a class, a day or the competition.

12.2.                The pilot must fly in the homologated weight range.

12.3.                Uncertified sizes of a certified model that was available for sale earlier than 1st November 2011 will be permitted.

12.3.1.         Registration database:  On registration, pilots have to specify the model, size and the serial number of the glider to be flown during the competition.

12.4.                Gliders will be checked after a complaint. In addition, the MD or TD can request that any pilot is checked. Every pilot must give his glider to the organisation for checking or comparing immediately upon any such request.

12.5.                Checking methods:

12.5.1.          Comparison with other gliders of the same model and size.

12.5.2.         Verification from manufacturer in regards to line configuration

12.6.                The TD will nominate a skilled person to check.

12.7.                Two levels of Penalties may be applied:

12.7.1.         1st offence: Zero in the task.

12.7.2.         2nd offence: Disqualification from the competition.


13.1.         Pilots should specify their weight on the website as well as the glider weight range. This weight can be checked at the event registration by the staff and corrected in the database.

13.2.         Pilots may volunteer to check their weight (at registration or on take-off) and adjust their weight (before task briefing).

13.3.         The pilots may be checked before taking off or after landing. If there is any doubt, their nominal weight will be checked again immediately.

13.4.         If their all-up weight is out of their glider’s weight range, they will be penalised without tolerance on the measurement.

13.5.         If they are carrying over 33 kg of equipment, including ballast, they will be penalised without tolerance on the measurement.

13.6.         Penalties for weight infringement:  1st offence: Zero in the task, 2nd  offence: Disqualification from the event.

14.      PENALTIES

14.1.         Cloud flying:
1st offence - zero for the day;  2nd offence - expelled from the competition

14.2.         Wrong turn direction:
1st offence – warning;  2nd offence – 100 points then doubling for every offence after that.

14.3.         Dangerous and aggressive flying
1st offence – warning;  2nd offence – 100 points then doubling for every offence after that.

14.4.         Aerobatics after reaching the goal line:
1st offence – warning;  2nd offence – 100 points then doubling for every offence after that.

14.5.         Top Landing after the launch window is open
1st offence – 100 points then doubling for every offence after that.

14.6.         Failure to report back:  Responsible for the costs of search and rescue.

14.7.         Too much ballast:
1st offence – 100 points;  2nd offence – zero points for the task;  3rd offence – expulsion from the competition

14.8.         Glider modification
1st offence - zero in the task;  2nd offence - disqualification from the competition

14.9.         Weight infringement
1st offence - zero in the task;  2nd offence - disqualification from the competition.


Langebaanweg clearance will be arranged by the organisation.

- FACT UTA B;Class C; FL195/FL145.
- Nearby: 
  - 5km West: FAR45A; FL195/FL1500AGL.
  - 20 km South; FACT TMA E; Class C; FL145/FL085

Info about Flying here

Info about flying here:
Porterville is located in the South West of South Africa, about 90 km from the Atlantic ocean, and 120 km North East of Cape Town. It offers a good mixture of thermal and dynamic flying, offering big-distance flights on the ridge and in the flats. 

The town itself is situated in the vast Swartland valley stretching West, South and North. On the East it is bordered by the Winterhoek Mountain range, that serve as a natural barrier from Atlantic winds passing into the centre of the country, known as the Karoo.

Pampoenfontein is the most commonly used take-off site in and around Porterville. It is the safer of possible take-offs in anything south of west, due to its height, and that it faces more directly into the prevailing thermic cross-wind. 

The latest site record was set by Wim Verhoeve in January 2016 with a straight line disstance of 188km. (Western Cape Record). Record flight on Leonardo

Another great flight by pilot Alfredo Studer in December 2011 with a XC distance of 227km. Xcontest track

Take off Pampoenfontein - S32º55.616’ E19º02.235’, 800m (ASL).
Winds: W - SSW, thermic SE days. 
Take off is a netted area in the fynbos. Top landing is possible.
Landing: Field in front of take-off.
- It can be more cross and stronger than it seems on take-off.
- In summer, experienced guidance is highly recommended.
- It is not a beginner site.
- Drive North out of town.
- Turn right onto the dirt road sign posted "Dasklip Pass" after about 5km.
- Drive up the pass and around the back.
- After 5km take the track to the right.
- Park in the clearing and walk to take off.

Info source: Fly Porterville website
Also you can find some useful flying tips here and in XCmag guide.



Printable Waypoints Map

How to get here

By Plane
The nearest airport to Porterville is Cape Town International Airport.
Cape Town Airport Info
From here you can take a car or hire a taxi to get to Porterville.

By Car
As you exit the Airport Oval, continue onto Airport Approach Road towards the N2, Settlers Way.
After 1.8km, merge onto Settlers Way South towards Somerset West.
After 4.0 km, take exit 22A to merge onto R300 North, toward Bellville.
After 16 km, exit right to merge onto N1 East, toward Paarl, Worcester.
Drive for 21 km, and take exit 47 onto R44 toward Wellington, Stellenbosch
Turn left onto Adam Tas Street / R44 (North) toward Wellington.
After 23 km, turn left onto Stokery Road (R44) toward Wellington, Porterville.
After 41 km, turn left onto R44 toward Gouda, Porterville
After 35 km, you have reached the town of Porterville.


In Town

Elephant Cottage.  
A self-catering cottage in town sleeping 6. +2782 922 1737,

House on farm just outside town sleeps 10.  +2772 600 5685,

The Stable
Seperate Entrance in Town sleeps 4.  +2784 049 5757,

Mayors Manor
Self catering cottage in town sleeps 5. +2792 551 3460, 

De Herberg Guest House 
+2722 931 3187

Flyers' Lodge
+2722 931 3416,

Home World B&B & Self Catering
+2783 564 3018

Isabella's Self Catering
+2782 564 4749,

Melanie's Home Stay
+2782 790 6079

Mountain View Guest House
+2722 931 2626,

The Palms
+2722 931 2282

Porterville Hotel

Rendezvous Guest House
+2722 931 3484,

+2782 921 8316

Twin Trees Guest House
+2782 304 6868,

Villa Cho-Co-Latt
+2722 931 3877,

Welkom Self Catering Unit
+2783 236 6246

Out of Town
Laatson & Waterval Camping & Chalets
+2722 931 2339

Mooi Berg Plaas
+2783 542 7700

Peace of Africa
+2722 931 2181

Voorberg Self-Catering Guest House
+2722 931 8133

On the Mountain 
Beaverlac Camping & Cottages
+2722 931 2945, ​

Berghoff Fynbos Farm Chalets

Cedar Peak Cottages
+2721 438 7702

Coen's House & Heidedal Homestead
+2783 630 8217

Groot Winterhoek Mountain Conservancy
+2721 483 0190,

Pampoenfontein Farm Cottages
+2721 689 7792,

Tygerkloof Cottage - Groot Winterhoek
+2783 946 6050

Selection and entry fee

As many local pilots arrange their own recovery, we are introducing an option for pilots to use either the competition recovery, or their own. This way the organization can arrange for more efficient logistical infrastructure.

Competition Entry Fee, Recovery included:
Normal Registration: (Payment before 01 October 2018): ZAR 2500 (175 Euro, $205)
Late Registration (Payment  after 01 October 2018): ZAR 3000 (205 Euro, $245)

Competition Entry Fee, Recovery excluded:
Normal Registration: (Payment before 01 October 2018): ZAR 1500 (100 Euro, $125)
Late Registration (Payment  after 01 October 2018): ZAR 2000 (135 Euro, $165)

A minimum of 35 places will be allocated to international pilots (until 01 October 2018) 
The Selection will be based on a first paid, first confirmed basis.

Pilot Requirements:
  • Valid FAI Sporting License
  • Valid SAHPA License (Please contact organiser to assist with arranging the international visitors license)
  • Medical Insurance 

Equipment Requirements:
  • Glider Classification: EN, CCC, Open (see restrictions under prizes section)
  • Certified Harness
  • Helmet
  • Reserve
  • GPS
  • 2m radio

Livetracking application installed on smart-phone for live tracking (or GPS with livetracking). Details can be found here:

If using a phone to Livetrack, bring along an external battery pack to ensure your phone battery lasts for the whole task, as well as local sim card. (Vodacom is best for area coverage).

Telegram application installed on smart-phone for competition communication and recovery assistance.  Telegram app 

Included in competition fee:
  • Transportation to take-off (if using official transportation option)  
  • Recovery (if using official transportation option)  
  • Map with waypoints
  • Live tracking (limited)
  • Paramedics
  • Function/Party 
South African Pilot's payment details:
Entry Fee Banking Details 
Account Name: Kaapse Buitepos Klub
Bank Name: Nedbank, Wellington
Account Number: 1053434731
Branch Code: 19876500

Payment Reference: SAHPA/FAI Number & Surname

International Pilot's payment details:
International pilots can pay via Payfast with either a credit card or EFT.
On registration, Flo will send you a payment request via Payfast.
For international payment querries, please contact Flo Sexton (competition finances) directly at

Cancellation Policy: 
80% refund if cancelled 2 months or more before the start of the competition (08 October 2018)
50% refund if cancelled 21 days or more before the start of the competition (17 November 2018)
No Refund after this date.

Competition schedule

Registration and and Prize giving Schedule
Saturday, Dec 08, 2018
09:00 - Practice day
16:00 - 19:00 - Registration
20:00 - Competition Briefing
Venue: Flyer's Lodge

Saturday, Dec 15, 2018
18:00 - Scoring Closes
19:00 - Closing Ceremony/Prize Giving
Venue: TBC

Daily Schedule 
(pilots will be notified if times change)
08:00 - Transport leaves the meet centre for take-off.
10:00 - Task briefing
11:00 - Window opens
12:00 - Race starts
16:00 - Land by time/Scoring Opens
19:00 - Scoring closes
21:00 - Provisional Results

Prizes and competition categories

Overall - CCC
Performance - EN-D
Sport - EN-C
Intermediate - EN-B

Pilots must choose their class to compete in before the start of the comp. All pilots will only be ranked overall and in the class they entered. (ie. can't win multiple classes)


Event Organiser - Eugene Claase
Meet Director - Allan Livingstone
Safety co-ordinator - Ian Cowie
Event Accountant - Flo Sexton
Recovery co-ordinator - Sybe Bakker
TO and Goal Marshall - Ben Bakker
Function co-ordinator  - Ronel Bakker
Scoring - Waldo Minny
Media  - Grant Smith
Event Admin - Andrew Taylor
Waypoints & Tracklogs - James Hope Lang